Evolving our Studio Spaces

Evolving our Studio Spaces

We never really had a chance to blog about our studio space yet and this should be the one. Our spaces have always been evolving to suit our needs and sometimes desires! After all a good working space is a great motivator. This is where all us souls are going to spend a great deal of our life time and we wanted to give it the best love and attention (as long as its a feasible affair)

Power of Internships

In recent times we have been seeing a sudden surge in the number of internship application we typically receive and we thought it would good idea to address this topic. Internships are a great way to gain exposures which otherwise is hard especially if its just through institutions. Many students overlook this area and often shy away.

Journey Begins

Woohoo! We finally got our official Facebook page setup, Did you know that you need at least 25 likes to get an URL from Facebook, well now you know.

If you’re all wondering what we are, we’re a humble startup game studio based in Chennai, India. Our company might be a startup but our small elite team are made up of veterans from the industry, tested, proven and ready to kick ass. We’ll soon update the team page in our website, more on that later.

Our motto is simple, make high quality video games, no rip offs, no VFX projects, no bloated team, no cheap gimmicks and no unnecessary management politics. That’s right! we follow agile methodology and like to keep it that way.

So what games we’re making? games that we would love to play. Our team also happens to be gamers, so we’re making it a point to play games in our studio, so far just board games, Track Mania and Counter Strike, we might start with Team Fortress 2 in the coming weeks. We strongly believe that creativity is equated to the experiences we have, so no constraints.

That’s all the information we can give right now. Stay classy and stay tuned.