gaming studio

Why do we seem Expensive?

Why do we seem Expensive?

Quite often when we deal with potential business proposals to build games or license our IP, we hear the statement “You guys are expensive”, “The cost is too high”, “It doesn’t fit into our budget”. We cant really complain there since as a customer they have the right to determine what they should or can pay. The idea behind this post is to throw some light on some of the misinterpretation or difference in understanding with the costs of building games.

Evolving our Studio Spaces

Evolving our Studio Spaces

We never really had a chance to blog about our studio space yet and this should be the one. Our spaces have always been evolving to suit our needs and sometimes desires! After all a good working space is a great motivator. This is where all us souls are going to spend a great deal of our life time and we wanted to give it the best love and attention (as long as its a feasible affair)